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Leuven MindGate supports Manifesto on Critical Thinking in education

5 June 2019

Leuven MindGate has signed the Manifesto on Critical Thinking, in light of the first European Summit for Critical Thinking Education which takes place this week at KU Leuven. The protocol was developed in the context of the Erasmus+ project CRITHINKEDU.


This manifesto claims that critical thinking is highly needed in society. The development of critical thinking is therefore an important aim of higher education.

The development of critical thinking needs devoted attention and specific educational interventions. This manifesto puts an educational protocol to the forefront, that can be used as a guide in fostering the development of critical thinking in higher education institutions at the course/module, programme and institutional level.

Leuven MindGate director Johan Merlevede was asked to give the view of Leuven MindGate on the importance of critical thinking in our society. He said: "Thanks to the Leuven-based knowledge institutions UCLL and KU Leuven, who are also partners of the Critical Thinking Summit, the development of critical thinking is fostered in our city".

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