The Leuven Innovation Region is a geographical area, which has no strict boundaries. What we do know, is that Leuven is the geographical epicenter of the region, and that the city is also the catalyst that carries the region economically and internationally.
A hub of key innovators in Health, High Tech and Creativity
In the domain of scientific innovation, the Leuven Innovation Region is the home of three world-class institutions: KU Leuven, UZ Leuven and imec. The discoveries and insights of these institutions continuously result in new companies, corporate spin-offs and start-ups, proliferate in Health, High Tech and Creativity.
The favorable climate for knowledge-driven entrepreneurship has resulted in a dense network of innovative companies, who continuously evolve in world leaders in their area of expertise. That's why Leuven is referred to as 'the most intelligent square kilometer'.
Located in the heart of Europe
Located in the center of Belgium and in the heart of Europe, the Leuven Innovation Region is an ideal logistic hub for investors and companies. Only 15 kilometers from Brussels International Airport and 25 kilometers from Brussels, the capital of Europe. The Leuven Innovation Region is also a stone throw's away from France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
"We are increasingly included in lists of cities and regions where it's good to work and to live. That is a recognition of the efforts of the entire Leuven Innovation Region."
Together, we go 'Leuven & Beyond'
What sprouts in the Leuven Innovation Region, always goes far beyond.
That's why we developed the 'Leuven & Beyond' campaign, which gives the Leuven Innovation Region even greater international resonance. It consists of a complete marketing toolbox that you can use freely in presentations, videos and more.
The Leuven MindGate team is at your disposal for any questions about the Leuven Innovation Region. Do you want to invest, work or study in the region? We can help you find your way.
We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.