FULLY BOOKED: MashUp - How to be inspired by startups?
Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 5
3000 Leuven
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Free for Leuven MindGate members - € 80 for non-members
Max. 20 people per MashUp - 1 participant per company

In this inspiring Leuven MindGate MashUp, we will explore the dynamic world of startups and learn how they're reshaping our economy. Gain insights into innovation, growth, and get practical tips to enhance your startup skills, applicable in any environment.
Dirk Lievens has been coaching startups for more than 10 years at 'Start it @KBC' and will share his insights in the continuous maturing Belgium’s startup ecosystem. You will find out how the startups are transforming traditional industries. Understand their agility in responding to market changes and their impact on job creation, introducing new skills and working methods.
This session will not only inspire but also provide practical insights into applying startup principles in your professional life. Whether you're an established professional or an aspiring entrepreneur, lessons from startups are valuable for anyone seeking innovation and growth.
Join this Leuven MindGate MashUp and be inspired to be more innovative, agile, and impactful in your career and ventures.

When: 29/02/2024, from 09h00 until 11h30
- 09h00 - Welcome
- 09h30 - Introduction Leuven MindGate and Start it @KBC
- 09h40 - Cases from Dirk Lievens, with open discussion and time for interaction
- 11h00 - Wrap up by Leuven MindGate
- 11h30 - End
Where: Start it @KBC, Roger Van Overstraetenplein 5, 3000 Leuven
Unfortunately, cancellation is not possible. Replacement by a colleague is possible if notified in advance by e-mail (admin@leuvenmindgate.be)
Leuven MindGate & Start it @KBC
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The Leuven MindGate team is at your disposal for any questions about the Leuven Innovation Region. Do you want to invest, work or study in the region? We can help you find your way.
We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.