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MashUp: How to become unattractive for cyber attacks

Jan 26, 2022
09:00 - 10:30
Kapeldreef 60
3001 Leuven
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Free for Leuven MindGate members - €30 for non-members
Max. 20 people per MashUp - 1 participant per company

Your company is growing, becoming more complex, and moving to the digital world. Every day you bring more IT assets online - including your websites, (sub)domains, certificates, ports, third party providers, etc.

But how can you monitor a continuously changing digital footprint?

In this Leuven MindGate MashUp, you will share your experiences with entrepreneurs and professionals in the room. Have you experienced a cyber attack before? Maybe you are (not) aware of the digital dangers for your organization? Or have you been able to succesfully prevent a cyber attack?

Guided by the experts from Sweepatic, you will receive tips and tricks on how to become unattractive for cyber attacks. They will also show the ins and outs of their Attack Surface Management Platform.

Stijn Vande Casteele, CEO Sweepatic

A MashUp is a conversation, not a presentation. However, every MashUp will have an expert in the room who initiates a discussion and answers your in-depth questions. There is plenty of time to share your own experiences and learn from others.

When: 26/01/2022, 09h-10h30

Where: Kapeldreef 60, 3001 Leuven (I&I Leuven)

What: How to become unattractive for cyber attacks?

Expert: Stijn Vande Casteele (Sweepatic)

Unfortunately, cancellation is not possible. Replacement by a colleague is possible if notified in advance by e-mail (admin@leuvenmindgate.be)

Yes, we can organize this mini event in a safe way!

We strictly follow government guidelines regarding corona measures.

We provide a large room, an air quality meter, adequate ventilation and hand sanitizer.

No Covid Safe Ticket is required for this event, as we allow maximum 20 people per MashUp.


Leuven MindGate and Sweepatic


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How can we help?

The Leuven MindGate team is at your disposal for any questions about the Leuven Innovation Region. Do you want to invest, work or study in the region? We can help you find your way.

We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.