4th edition of the LIFE-ON-CHIP CONFERENCE (hybrid)
Provincieplein 1
3010 Leuven
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Curious to learn more about the latest cross-over innovations? Then you certainly have to attend our 4th ‘Life-on-Chip Conference - Initiating Convergence in Health Technologies’ organised by Smart Hub Flemish Brabant and flanders.healthTech (through its founding partners flanders.bio, DSP Valley and MedTech Flanders), BioWin, imec, Antleron, VIB and EIT Health
Micro- and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, novel manufacturing technologies and big data are making major impacts across all industries, but perhaps their greatest potential impact is in health and life sciences. Combined with ever-growing biological insights and discoveries, resulting innovations enable fascinating applications that accelerate and transform the healthcare system.
We will present testimonials of roads travelled and lessons learned from pioneering researchers, entrepreneurs and first application movers. You can attend a plenary session on data science and health followed by 4 thematic sessions thematically covering the flanders.healthTech focus domains, being increased efficiency in the healthcare system through the introduction of new technologies, solutions for patient specific treatment, digital diagnostics & therapeutics, and shifting the boundaries of knowledge at the forefront of medicine and healthcare.
The Enterprise Europe Network Flanders supports this unique event and organizes a virtual B2B along this conference. The matchmaking is intended for Business-to-Business, as well as for Science-to-Business. The matchmaking event organized by the Enterprise Europe Network is free of charge, but participants that also wish to attend the conference, are invited to pay a conference fee. Virtual booths and posters will also be part of the program.
Smart Hub Flemish Brabant and flanders.healthTech together with DSP Valley, flanders.bio, MedTech Flanders, BioWin, imec, Antleron, VIB and EIT Health
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We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.