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Join us at Solhyd and make a direct impact on renewable and sustainable hydrogen production! We are looking for a committed researcher who is eager to bring our innovative technology to the world.

Does this position sound like an interesting step in your career? We look forward to meeting you! Do you have any questions? Reach out to Sofie at sofie.hermans@solhyd.eu


Electronics & Engineering

Join us at Solhyd and make a direct impact on renewable and sustainable hydrogen production! We are looking for a committed researcher who is eager to bring our innovative technology to the world. In our ambitious startup company, we are pioneering a famous and unique solution for producing hydrogen gas directly from sunlight and air.

What you will do

You work on the very core of Solhyd technology. You help us to gain deeper insights into the system and investigate new approaches and materials to improve its performance.

• You coordinate Solhyd’s research activities on a daily basis. Based on rigorous data analysis, you plan and follow up experiments with members of the research team.

  • You keep track of the latest developments in academic research concerning hydrogen technologies, electrolyzers and other associated technologies.
  • You are responsible for data management and report your conclusions in a systematic and scientific manner.

• You perform measurements, experiments and develop new materials.

  • You investigate the behaviour of Solhyd technology under different conditions and configurations. This is done with electrochemical measurements, chemical analysis, climatized experiments and other methods.
  • You develop new or improved materials (e.g. membranes, catalysts) and test their performance, keeping in mind a scalable production technique of the materials.

• You contribute to the daily operations of the entire Solhyd team. (We’re a startup, remember? Everybody helps everyone with everything!)

  • You contribute to production runs in periods of peak demand.
  • You help your colleagues working in product development or production, e.g. by performing measurements or quality control.
  • You provide hands-on technical assistance from time to time.

You work independently but are supported by your colleagues and you report to the CTO.

Who you are

• You hold a master’s degree or a PhD in (electro)chemistry, materials science, applied physics, chemical engineering or equivalent.

• You have experience with either academic research or R&D in a professional environment. You are familiar with scientific publications and common analytic methods and instruments.

• Experience with electrochemical processes in an industrial context is a plus.

• Experience with electrochemistry or solar fuels is a plus.

• You can work independently and make important decisions.

• You would like to work on ab innovative and ambitious project that makes a sustainable contribution to the world.

• You are practical and flexible enough to work on a range of different tasks. You love a dynamic startup environment which is constantly evolving.

• You communicate fluently in English (oral and written).

What we do for you

We offer an exciting position at the forefront of technology development. You will join an amazing team, start every day with a smile, and contribute to the growth of this new hydrogen panel technology! Your valuable contribution and energy are appreciated by means of a market appropriate salary package.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our unique office, situated in a farm complex that has been transformed into a modern research center for circular bio- economy (Bijzondereweg 12, 3360 Bierbeek, Belgium). Flexible working hours and hybrid working come naturally to us. At Solhyd we give everyone a fair chance. We are looking for skilled and motivated people. People who are fun, respect their team members, and help us bring a contribution to the world. Other than that, you are just the person you are.

How can we help?

The Leuven MindGate team is at your disposal for any questions about the Leuven Innovation Region. Do you want to invest, work or study in the region? We can help you find your way.

We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.