Flanders DC
Flanders DC supports, promotes and connects creative entrepreneurs from Flanders, and therefore also from Leuven.

Flanders DC an organization dedicated to all types of entrepreneurs in the creative sector, being architecture, audiovisual industry, visual arts, communication, design, heritage, games, print and digital media, fashion, music, new media and more. digital media, fashion, music, new media and performing arts.
You can contact them for free business advice.
Through their information sessions and webinars, Flanders DC keeps you informed about the different aspects of doing business in the creative sector. On their website you will find all sorts of tools, templates and checklists that will help you in starting and growing your business.
Discover the other business accelerators

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imec.istart is the first investor and supporting partner that helps tech startups scale up.

KU Leuven KICK
KU Leuven KICK aims to promote and encourage entrepreneurship among students, researchers, teachers and professors.

Flanders DC is er voor alle type ondernemers in de creatieve sector, zijnde architectuur, audiovisuele industrie, beeldende kunst, communicatie, design, erfgoed, games, gedrukte en digitale media, mode, muziek, nieuwe media en podiumkunsten.
Flanders DC ondersteunt, promoot en verbindt creatieve ondernemers uit Vlaanderen, en dus ook uit Leuven.
Je kan bij hen terecht voor gratis zakelijk advies. Via de infosessies en webinars blijf je op de hoogte van de verschillende aspecten van ondernemen in de creatieve sector. Op de website vind je allerhande tools, templates en checklists die je helpen in het opstarten en doen groeien van je onderneming.
How can we help?
The Leuven MindGate team is at your disposal for any questions about the Leuven Innovation Region. Do you want to invest, work or study in the region? We can help you find your way.
We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.