Doctoraadsstudent/e voor AD/ALS onderzoek (ref. BAP-2025-43)
The Laboratory of Neuropathology, focusing on the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, is an established laboratory in the Department of Imaging and Pathology at KU Leuven. The laboratory of Neuropathology is a group of seven researchers which is embedded in the Translational Cell & Tissue Research unit. This research group has a close collaboration with the Neurology and Pathology Departments of the University Hospitals Leuven.
For developing novel biomarkers for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer’s disease we are starting new projects as member of a consortium funded by the Target ALS foundation as well as by funding from Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (Belgium).
Funding is available for the next 4 years in the context of projects focusing on the development of novel biomarkers for cryptic peptides in ALS and neurodegeneration/cell death in AD and ALS. To do so, we will investigate brains from AD and ALS patients to identify possible targets that will be in a second step identified in mouse models of the respective diseases in brain and blood. We will treat the animal models with cell death pathway inhibitors in order to stop neurodegeneration as shown earlier by us (Koper et al. 2024 – PMID: 39475569). Our aim is to monitor successful treatment by blood-based parameters. To reach this goal we plan to use highly sensitive mass spectrometry-based methods.
With these experiments, we want to improve the biomarker landscape for AD and ALS, specifically aiming at markers for disease monitoring under treatment and early diagnosis of ALS.
In our research we aim for a better diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. To address this aim we make use of human brain tissue from diseased and non-diseased individuals to identify potential markers that provide novel information about the respective diseases. Once we identified candidate markers, we will use animal models that model the pathological feature which we want to estimate with a given biomarker candidate to confirm that the candidates do their job in an independent model and to clarify whether and how a specific marker protein identified as disease relevant in the brain is represented in blood/plasma of the respective animal model.
Once novel biomarkers are identified in the blood of the respective models we will test whether changes of respective processes in the brain under treatment have also influence on the respective marker. If so, human blood samples from diseased patients will need to be tested as well.
Project tasks:
· Pathological analyses of human and mouse brain tissue, including quantitative analyses.
· Biochemical analysis of human mouse brain tissue and blood (Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, ELISA, mass spectrometry, etc.)
· Treatment of mice with disease modifying drugs
• You will do animal experiments with transgenic mice.
• You will do immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence stainings and analysis of human and mouse brain samples, as well as biochemical analysis of human and mouse brain samples.
• You will supervise lab rotation students and master students.
• You will report your data to your supervisors, other researchers, as well at (international) conferences.
The candidate should be experienced in the following techniques:
• Immunohistochemistry
• Microscopy
• Sample preparation for biochemical analysis
• Western blot analysis
• PCR analysis
• Working with lab animals
• Basic knowledge in bioinformatics (R, python)
• The candidate should fluently speak and write English and should be able to work in a team with a high degree of autonomy
What we are looking for:
• You have a Master degree according to EU standards
• You meet the English language criteria of KU Leuven
• You have a FELASA B certificate for carrying out animal experiments (if not, we expect that you follow the FELASA B course within the first 3 months)
• You are willing to work with patient tissue and to conduct animal experiments
• Highly motivated, enthusiastic, critical, and creative
• You have the ability to work in a team and to present your results at national or international conferences
· We offer a full time 4-year contract for a PhD student position (financed by KU Leuven via research grants). However, the candidate will be encouraged to apply for personal funding.
· You will be working on a hot topic in neurodegeneration research, in a leading research team with a widespread network of international and local collaborators, and in an excellent international research environment at KU Leuven.
· Promotion of your PhD thesis to be written within the four years
· Participation in an individually shaped PhD Program with different opportunities to present and share data on weekly seminars, lectures and international conferences.
· Access to different state-of-the-art core facilities of KU Leuven.
For more information please contact Mrs. Alicja Ronisz, tel.: +32 16 37 67 82, mail: alicja.ronisz@kuleuven.beYou can apply for this job no later than March 15, 2025 via the online application tool
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