Visit Gateway (Köln) - FULLY BOOKED

Leuven Innovation Region, do you want to meet Köln startups to exchange Belgian-German experiences?
We arrange a Leuven-Köln meetup on Monday November 4, when Gateway Excellence Start-up Center University of Cologne will visit our region to learn from our ecosystem.
And we invite 5 of our members to exchange experiences and learn from the German start-ups as well! How does setting-up a startup in Germany differ from one in Belgium? What are some of the best practices we can share?
Afterwards, we are invited by Cronos Leuven to join them for an introduction on the Cronos approach, with in-depth introductions to AI-specialist Raccoons and digital creatives NoComputer.
These Köln-based startups will join the discussion
#️⃣ Accesstra > AI-tool to make websites accessible
#️⃣ Philup > SaaS platform for hospitality merchandise/task management
#️⃣ VisaFlow > Digital visa for international skilled workers and students
#️⃣ catchHR > AI-driven technology for recruiting
We're looking for startups/scale-ups who can actively participate in the content discussion, not for people who want to sell their activities in Germany.
Do you want to join us? Unfortunately, we're fully booked.
🎉 It's free!
🍔 We'll provide lunch!
⏲️ Monday, November 4, from 11h to 13h
🏢 &Station, Bondgenotenlaan 103, Leuven
🚀 OPTIONAL > Join us @ Cronos from 13h30 to 15h30, with in-depth interactions with Raccoons and NoComputer
Send us an e-mail via for more info.
Leuven MindGate
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How can we help?
The Leuven MindGate team is at your disposal for any questions about the Leuven Innovation Region. Do you want to invest, work or study in the region? We can help you find your way.
We also facilitate collaboration and innovation between companies, knowledge institutes and government within the Leuven Innovation Region, and we are happy to guide any of these stakeholders towards innovation.